"Do something, even if it's wrong. You can always correct something. You can't correct nothing."
"NEVER, NEVER, NEVER lose your TAW."
"Make sure you have enough money so you never have to fire employees because you can't afford them."
"When the Company is making more money, the employees should also make more money."
"The strategy that got you through the past seven years won't take you through the next seven years."
"If you are going to do something, then just do it right."
"Business is a game, and we keep score with profits."
"Work should be fun. Laugh a lot and sometimes laugh at yourself."
"Acreage is King."
"You find oil where you found oil."
"I would rather be around than rich."
"Very few companies went broke that had no debt."
"The only person who makes a mistake is someone that is doing something."
"Go for singles or doubles, but if you are given a slow, fat ball right down the middle, knock it out of the park, like we did the Wolfberry."
"The sands of time are strewn with the wreckages of companies that didn't innovate."
"Never bet against technology."
"Those who fail to plan, plan to fail."
"Don't kill the goose that lays the golden egg."
"The way to make money is to find something you're good at and do it over and over."