Henry Resources


Culture & Values

When you mention the Henry name around Midland and most other places around the Permian Basin, you get a very consistent response, "what a great company." Since starting the organization in 1969, Paula and Jim Henry have shaped a culture steeped in hard work, honesty, and generosity based on a strong set of Christian values. You'd be hard-pressed to find a better reputation anywhere in our business.  From top to bottom, our people are honored to be a part of this organization and what it stands for.

Integrity, excellence, discipline, generosity, and a healthy dose of West Texas pluck. That is Henry. For over 50 years, this has been the standard by which we measure ourselves.  

Our People

Henry always has, and always will, view its people as part of the family and its most valuable asset.  Many companies give that statement lip service, but the proof is in our history.

After being forced to lay off employees for financial reasons in 1986, Jim Henry vowed never to do it again.  We have a balance sheet to show that we don't take that vow lightly.

A very flat and lean organization that shares 25% of cumulative corporate growth with the folks that execute our strategy day in day out.  From the board room to the front desk.100% paid medical, dental, and vision for employees and their families.100% employee participation in our 401k matching program.

Actively encourage our people to use company time to volunteer in the community.  We also strongly encourage our people to use every day of the ample vacation allowed every year.

We have very low turnover at Henry.  Most employees that leave choose to do so because they want to take the lessons learned at Henry and start their own business.  In our opinion, there is no better indication of quality leadership and culture than helping your people grow into independent leaders themselves.

"Run a lean staff and religiously maintain a balance sheet that will protect your people, even through a prolonged downturn."


"Make employees a high priority. Foster a culture where it is okay to make mistakes and provide both stability and opportunity in the way you compensate them. Hire the best people and give them the incentive to stay.“

Core Values - The Henry Way

Over the years, Jim Henry has developed a personal philosophy he calls "The Henry Way." The Henry Way is a list of principles that guides the way the company conducts its business and has been the foundation for the Henry organization's longevity and success.

Business Principles

  1. Strive to be a Christian company.
  2. Work for the benefit of God, family, and company; in that order.
  3. Strive to exhibit high standards of character and maintain a stellar reputation. Never compromise integrity.
  4. Strive to be a company that is technically competent, low-cost, highly efficient, and careful with risk.
  5. Maintain a very low or no debt position. Stay disciplined and avoid the temptation to use debt to accelerate growth. Play the long game.
  6. Make employees a high priority. Foster a culture where it is okay to make mistakes and provide both stability and opportunity in the way you compensate them. Hire the best people and give them an incentive to stay.
  7. Run a lean staff and religiously maintain a balance sheet that will protect your people, even through a prolonged downturn.
  8. Help those less fortunate than you.
  9. Give back to your city with your time, talents, and resources.
  10. Use a "win-win" strategy in negotiations. Fair dealings lead to repeat partnerships, which lead to the company's long-term success.

Jim's Words of Wisdom

  • "Do something, even if it's wrong. You can always correct something. You can't correct nothing."

    "NEVER, NEVER, NEVER lose your TAW."

    "Make sure you have enough money so you never have to fire employees because you can't afford them."

    "When the Company is making more money, the employees should also make more money."

    "The strategy that got you through the past seven years won't take you through the next seven years."

    "If you are going to do something, then just do it right."

    "Business is a game, and we keep score with profits."

    "Work should be fun. Laugh a lot and sometimes laugh at yourself."

    "Acreage is King."

    "You find oil where you found oil."

    "I would rather be around than rich."

    "Very few companies went broke that had no debt."

    "The only person who makes a mistake is someone that is doing something."

    "Go for singles or doubles, but if you are given a slow, fat ball right down the middle, knock it out of the park, like we did the Wolfberry."

    "The sands of time are strewn with the wreckages of companies that didn't innovate."

    "Never bet against technology."

    "Those who fail to plan, plan to fail."

    "Don't kill the goose that lays the golden egg."

    "The way to make money is to find something you're good at and do it over and over."



3525 Andrews Hwy
Midland, TX 79703

Phone: (432) 694-3000

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